CBRN Services

Evaluate. Educate. Demonstrate.

CBRN Services Offered

CBRN Professionals offers services for local public agencies as well as private companies.

We use a three tiered model of evaluation, education, and demonstration. Our comprehensive risk management process will identify areas to strengthen your organization. We excess the current threat hazard, vulnerability, and capabilities of your organization. We will identify the type, and amount of equipment that will provide your organization with the appropriate protection.

Contact Us

CBRN Professionals Seattle

50+ years of experience

CBRN Training Services

CBRN Defense Courses

CBRN Threat Building

CBRN Warning and Reporting

Hazmat Awareness Courses

CBRN Exercise Development

Safety & Occupational Health Assessments

Develop Safety Programs

Safety Classes

CBRN Emergency Management Services

Emergency Management Plans

Emergency Action Plans

Hazard Specific Annexes

Pandemic Influenza Plans

EOC Training

FEMA Classes

All-Hazards Assessments

CBRN Training Hazmat Awareness Courses
CBRN Services
CBRN First Responder Training, WA CBRN Training

CBRN Professionals FAQs

Who We Are
The CDC is one of the major operating components of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Where We Are Located
Where we are based out of the Seattle, Washington area. We service all the major cities along the west coast, Hawaii, Pacific Rim and all the other major cities in the United States of America and its territories.

What We Do
We bring solutions to our customers using a three tiered approach of evaluating, educating and demonstrating our capabilities to enhance your organizations ability to mitigate most hazards. As a team we are skilled in creating training programs and providing consulting services to meet your specific needs as a customer. Our cyclic approach is our commitment to excellence in providing you the best deliverable possible.

Why We Do This
The events of 9/11 and other incidents over the last few years has led us to continue to serve our country to provide services to the private industry and department of defense in the defense and mitigation of CBRN/TICS/TIMS events. Our skill sets are of the highest caliber. Members off our staff have been exposed to these types of events in either real world events or in training. We also use an All-hazard approach based off the National Response Framework, National Incident Management System and Incident Command System models.

How We Do This
We are fiscally responsible to you our customer. We continuously seek ways to improve as an organization to operate efficiently and effectively providing you the best product and services especially in these tough economic times. We always do what is morally right. We communicate openly and honestly. Our business practices are based off a solid foundation of integrity.

Looking for CBRN Solutions?

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